دراسة تواجد أنواع المن وحساسية بعض أصناف الحنطة للأصابة ومكافحتها حيويا في محافظتي ميسان والبصرة

دراسة تواجد أنواع المن وحساسية بعض أصناف الحنطة للأصابة ومكافحتها حيويا في محافظتي ميسان والبصرة

  • ا.د. علاء صبيح جبار زينب جاسم محمد كلية الزراعة /جامعة البصرة


     The study was conducted To determine the types of aphids  :Homoptera Aphididae ,That afflict wheat crop  in two provinces :Maysan Region  in Kumyat  AL-Maemona   , AL-Kahla, ALTabir and AL.Btera  IN Basrah in AL-Qurna and AL MDAENA the study showed there are three types of Aphids which affect the crops of wheat with orange spot Rhopalosiphium padi L.And from grains Shizaphis graminium  and from English wheat Sitobin avenae f. and a fourth type affected whet in small region  which is from black peas Aphis faba . Field survey results for the type R.padi showed on wheat crops that the higher incidence  and numerical intensity was 90.38% during January and 33.24% insect/leaf  respectively .Also showed that the highest numerical intensity in al-kahla which reached 83% and 31.33 insects/leaf  respectively .for the type S.graminium   the highest  incidence were recorded in march which reached 39.00% and the numerical intensity was 30.33 insects /leaf while in the study regions the highest  incidence was in al-madina which reached 35% whereas the heist numerical intensity was in Albetera which is 23.5%..For the type Sitobin avenae the highest incident were recorded in march  which reached 94.09%  in numerical intensity 26.64insects/leaf while it was noticed  that the highest  infection ratio was 48.07% and in numerical intensity reached   14.64 insects/leaf  in al-madina region .While the results of the experiment for the wheat sensitivity study for the type S.graminium which recorded the highest raion74.01% and in numerical intensity reached 38.56% insects/leaf  while the minimum ratio was in  barcelona which reached 30.10 % in numerical intensity  16.78 insects/leaf .through The correlation coefficient between the incidence ratio and the numerical intensity and chemical and physical components for the leafs of different classes of wheat  it has been found that there is  a significant relation between the quantity of chlorophyll and the incidence rate and the numerical intensity which reached0.84 and 0.76 respectively while carotene didn't show any effect. Also it has been found that there is a significant inverse relationship with quantity of carbohydrates  in which the  correlation coefficient    reached 0.95-0.97 also inverse relationship with the percentage of Sodium pectates in which the correlation ratio reached 0.96- 0.92 respectively . while the relationship for the wet content of leafs  were Positive relationship which reached0.77 0.80 respectively, with reference for the ratio of the numbers of  grains in one spike with the incidence ratio and numerical intensity were positive relationship in which the The correlation coefficient reached 0.92-0.96 respectively .I made histological sections for the Leaves of six types of wheat ALsabah  Barcelona , Abaa 99,Abogarip, Germany and the Turkish adena.I calculated the ratio between the skin and Vascular bundles in which the barelona type recorded the heist distance reached 13 micrometer while the least distance were seen in Alsabah type which reached 3.5 micrometer. While the experience for the biological resistance toward  Predators  showed there are three types of Predators  ,larvas Scavea pyrastri and the soldier  ladybug Cantharis lateralis F.and the lady bug Tribolium confusom Note that the previous two predators recorded for the first time in Iraq to attack aphids , the study of the Predatory efficiency showed that the ladybird  with  seven dots was the most efficient predator Tribolium confusom on the English wheat aphid in the ratio of 46.3while the least  were in the larvas of the Scaeva pyrastri   which reached 17.33 insects/day   on the same type of aphid.


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How to Cite
زينب جاسم محمدا. ع. ص. ج. (2019). دراسة تواجد أنواع المن وحساسية بعض أصناف الحنطة للأصابة ومكافحتها حيويا في محافظتي ميسان والبصرة. (Humanities, Social and Applied Sciences) Misan Journal of Academic Studies , 18(35), 1-24. Retrieved from http://www.misan-jas.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/44