Dictogloss as a Comprehensive Teaching Technique to Use with EFL Iraqi College Students

  • Inas Kamal Yaseen College of Basic Education, Al-Mustansiriyah University
Keywords: Dictogloss, Comprehensive Teaching Technique


The study investigates Dictogloss technique impact on Iraqi EFL college students’ overall achievement (Reading, Writing, and listening skills) suggesting it as a comprehensive adequate technique. 51 second year college students have chosen present the sample of the present study, 26 students for experimental group and 25 for the control one, in which conventional way of teaching English three skills is conveyed. Research findings indicate the difference in pupils’ scores at the post-test in which the experimental group subjects’ achievement in the summative post-test found to be higher than the control group one, a statistically significant increase with the use of Dictogloss technique in the post-test administration has been seen for the experimental group samples. Basis on the obtained results, the researcher is highly recommended adopting Dictogloss in teaching English language for EFL second year college students, due to the obvious high recorded scores of the experimental

group in the post-test considering the control group.


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How to Cite
Inas Kamal Yaseen. (2020). Dictogloss as a Comprehensive Teaching Technique to Use with EFL Iraqi College Students. (Humanities, Social and Applied Sciences) Misan Journal of Academic Studies , 19(38), 234-242. Retrieved from https://www.misan-jas.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/134